4 Home Building Materials That May Contain Asbestos

4 Home Building Materials That May Contain Asbestos

27 October 2020
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Once widely used as a construction material, asbestos is now recognised as being dangerous. Many old buildings contain this fibrous material, which is not necessarily a problem as it is very stable as long as it remains undisturbed. Issues arise when construction or remodelling work disturbs old areas of asbestos and releases fibres into the air. If a person inhales these fibres, they can trigger the growth of cancer. Here are four building materials that may contain asbestos. Contact an asbestos removal service before carrying out any construction or remodelling work if you have asbestos in your home.

1. Concrete

Asbestos is not a standard ingredient of concrete, but once, construction companies mixed it into concrete to improve its insulating properties. Many homes have concrete floors or walls, which means that asbestos could be present.

2. Caulking

Caulking, sometimes known as caulk, is a substance that is often used to make seams and joints weatherproof. Until the 1980s, it was common to include asbestos in caulking to make homes more able to retain heat. Asbestos-containing caulk was also frequently used as a heatproof seal around boilers and fireplaces. Be very careful when sanding down, drilling into, or even cleaning this material, as any activity that breaks down the caulk could release dangerous asbestos fibres.

3. Plaster

Once it was common to mix asbestos into plaster to make a building more fire-resistant. However, this practice, once believed to be harmless, now poses a serious problem. Plaster breaks down over the years and starts to crumble, which could put your family at risk of asbestos exposure.

Gypsum plaster is the type that is most likely to contain asbestos. If your home has any areas of crumbling gypsum plaster, leave it alone and contact an asbestos removal service as soon as possible so they can deal with it safely.

4. Cement Sheets

Cement sheets are used to cover the external parts of homes, especially in areas that are prone to forest fires. These sheets are highly resistant to fire but can be dangerous if they contain asbestos, which could be a risk with ones that have been in place for many years. Cement sheets are also common materials used in the construction of outbuildings, such as barns and warehouses. If you suspect that any building that you are responsible for might contain asbestos in the form of cement sheets, get in touch with an asbestos removal service who can identify the material and remove it if necessary.

For more information, contact an asbestos removal service today.

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